Staci in Spain, specialists in picking and promotional logistics

Take advantage of the benefits of outsourcing your company’s national and international logistics. STACI, a logistics operator specialising in product picking and promotional logistics, offers a comprehensive personalised service for each client:

  • Reception, control and storage of product and promotional material
  • Preparation and dispatch of orders
  • Preparation of product kits
  • Co-packing and labelling
  • Cross Docking
  • Product picking and packing
  • Transport and reverse logistics

We achieve a perfect flexible adaptation to all our clients’ needs: marketing and product campaigns, events, promotional logistics, point of sale, etc.

PROMOTIONAL LOGISTICS: We offer our promotional logistics services to companies in different sectors such as: pharmaceutical, food, automotive, retail, industry, technology, etc. and in general for all those companies that have a sales network.
STACI has a customised online tool (E-CATS) for the management of all the promotional material of our clients’ sales network in real time that facilitates the administrative tasks of the central offices, allows you to visualise the stock and track orders as well as having access to multiple statistics and logistical information about your company.

PRODUCT LOGISTICS: STACI in Spain has extensive experience in product logistics for sectors such as: cosmetics, perfumery and hygiene, ecommerce, childcare, household goods, sports and gift items, funeral goods, electrical components, electronics and electrical appliances, automotive spare parts, optics, telecommunications, textiles, etc.

We have 7 distribution warehouses in MADRID and BARCELONA with a total of more than 34,000 sqm of space dedicated to the logistics of our customers.


  • ISO 9001 : 2015 – Quality Management
  • ISO 14001 : 2015 – Environmental Management
  • ISO 27001 : 2017 – Information Security Management
  • ISO 26000 : 2012 – Corporate Social Responsibility in progress

Our logistics sites in Spain

In Barcelona:

. Av. Sant Julià, 84-88. Pol. Ind. Congost.
08403 GRANOLLERS (Barcelona)
Tel +34 93 840 42 97

. c/. Alfred Nobel, 11-13 Polígono Industrial Vallderiolf, La Torreta.
LA ROCA DEL VALLÉS 08430 (Barcelona)
Tel +34 93 860 49 84

. Can Montcau, 9-17 nave C3 Pol. Ind. Can Montcau.
LLIÇÀ D’AMUNT 08186 (Barcelona)
Tel:+34 93 860 49 84

In Madrid:

. Pol. Ind. La Garena, Nave nº 5, PROLOGIS Park Alcalá, Calle Francisco Rabal, 9.
Alcalá de Henares 28806 (Madrid)
Tel: +34 910 55 68 80


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